Milwaukee’s Best Light
American Pale Lager
Milwaukee’s Best Light Product Information
You deserve the best. Milwaukee’s Best has been pleasing palates since 1895. Milwaukee’s Best Light delivers a crisp taste at a great price. This award-winning beer is brewed from the clear waters of the Menomonee River in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and is 100% American-brewed to the highest quality standards. Enjoy this light beer’s refreshing taste when kicking back with your buddies and some beers, or anytime. With just 98 calories per serving, enjoy your beer without the fear of calorie overload. Milwaukee’s Best Light is the best choice for sharing!
4.2 percent alcohol by volume. 98 calories per 12-ounce serving.
Miller Brewing Company – Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Click Here For Price List
Buy Code: A – MILLER
7302 BEST LT 2/23 CAN
7304 BEST LT 4/6 CAN
7341 BEST LT 30 PK CAN